Turistbrochure: Pay a Visit to Copenhagen, Turistforeningen for Danmark, 1923



I denne kilde kan du læse et uddrag af turistbrochuren Pay a Visit to Copenhagen, som Turistforeningen for Danmark udgav i 1923. Brochuren udkom derudover i svenske og tyske udgaver og det følgende år desuden på fransk. Brochuren blev genoptrykt med få ændringer indtil 1926.

Turistforeningen for Danmark blev oprettet i 1923 som en ny landsdækkende hovedorganisation for dansk turisme efter årelange stridigheder blandt ledelsen i forgængeren Den danske Turistforening. Turistforeningen for Danmarks formål var dobbelt: Dels at tiltrække udenlandske turister til Danmark, hvor København indtog en særstatus som den klart største turistdestination, dels at fremme danskernes rejser i eget land ved at understøtte de mange lokale turistforeninger i provinsen. Turistforeningen for Danmark udgav landsdækkende guidebøger, brochurer og foldere og havde derudover særligt ansvar for turistreklamen for København. I de københavnske turistbrochurer fremhævede Turistforeningen især attraktioner i overensstemmelse med klassiske dannelsesidealer som museer, samlinger og historiske bygningsværker, men fandt også anledning til at nævne Tivoli og Strøget.    

Brochurens forside.

Pay a visit to Copenhagen 

What is Copenhagen?

Copenhagen with its 700,000 inhabitants is far from being a world-city. But it possesses to so iminent[1] a degree its own characteristic physiognomy that, leaving its size out of consideration, it justly maintains its place among the capitals of Europe. Magnificent old brick-architecture with some of the noblest renaissance gems built by Christian IV in the 17th century distinguishes Copenhagen, an aroma of memorials of the past ascends, from the old canals round Christiansborg, a comfort of plain and honest homeliness inflates the narrow streets with the beautiful house-gables[2]. But at the same time a fresh and cheerful air is blowing along the new broad boulevards and the underground railway, from the mighty establishment of the free port future and propulsion is surging impetuously over the town, and in densely peopled business streets the quickly beating pulse of the large city is felt.

You must see Copenhagen in order to understand it

Copenhagen has got many magnificent collections and museums, some of which are unparalleled. For many people this alone would be sufficient reason for visiting the Danish capital. And anybody visiting Copenhagen must naturally see the places of world wide fame: The Thorvaldsens Museum, Rosenborg Castle and the Glyptotheca. But it is not alone for the sake of the museums that you should visit Copenhagen. It is in order to get an impression of the city itself and its daily life, in order to see its pleasant smile on a clear summer’s day, lighten under the awnings of the numerous open-air restaurants and experience its genial, unsnoblish[3] spontaneity under the variegated lamps of Tivoli. Notwithstanding its northerly locality Copenhagen is one of the most magnificent summer towns of Europe. Copenhagen has been called “the Athens of the North” as also “the Paris of the North”, and both names are justified to some extent. But after all Copenhagen is nothing but Copenhagen – something which must be seen and felt to be understood.

Ordforklaringer m.m.

[1] Iminent: eminent, i betydningen fremtrædende.

[2] House-gables: husgavle.

[3] Unsnoblish: unsnobbish, i betydningen usnobbet.

Dette materiale er udgivet i forbindelse med Aarhus Universitetsforlags bogserie '100 danmarkshistorier', der er Danmarks historie fortalt af 100 forskere i 100 bøger. På danmarkshistorien.dk udkommer løbende artikler, film og kilder i forbindelse med bøgerne. Projektet er støttet af A.P. Møller og Hustru Chastine Mc-Kinney Møllers Fond til almene Formaal. 


Om kilden

Turistforeningen for Danmarks Arkiv, Rigsarkivet Viborg
Sidst redigeret
9. juni 2021

Frausing, Mikael: Turistlandet. 100 danmarkshistorier, Aarhus Universitetsforlag (2021)


Om kilden

Turistforeningen for Danmarks Arkiv, Rigsarkivet Viborg
Sidst redigeret
9. juni 2021

Frausing, Mikael: Turistlandet. 100 danmarkshistorier, Aarhus Universitetsforlag (2021)
