Films for Module 7, 1914-1945


Watch this introduction to the module where Bertel Nygaard discusses a series of key points for the period 1914-1945. The film is in Danish with English subtitles, and lasts about seven minutes. Click 'CC' and choose 'English' or 'Danish' for subtitles. 

State and Classes

In this film, Bertel Nygaard discusses the relationship between the state and the classes. The film is in Danish with English subtitles, and lasts about eight minutes. Click 'CC' and choose 'English' or 'Danish for subtitles.

The Occupation on April 9th 1940

Watch this film in which Niels Wium Olesen discusses what the nearly battle-free occupation meant for the policy of collaboration and the relationship with the Germans. The film is in Danish with English subtitles, and lasts about ten minutes. Click 'CC' and choose 'English' or 'Danish' for subtitles. 

The Female Louis Armstrong

In this film, Bertel Nygaard talks about jazz music and cultural struggles in inter-war Denmark. Jazz music had made its way to the Danish city Randers, and in early December 1940, if you were lucky, you could experience the Queen of the Trumpet, Valaida Snow. The film is in Danish with English subtitles, and lasts about 12 minutes. Click 'CC' and choose 'English' or 'Danish' for subtitles.